Fun time in the pool yesterday with my wife. CFNM*, as usual. 

She's been taking pool aerobics classes at the nearby Y, so was demonstrating some of the moves they did. She grabbed her cellphone from the side of the pool and put on her playlist, and for the next forty minutes we both moved around, her exercising and me dancing. It was fun and freeing to have those moments between us. At one point she decided she needed a floatie to help with her routine. (It's kind of a bulky rubbery cylinder, about six inches in radius and three feet long.) I asked if she wanted me to retrieve it from the deck, around thirty feet from the pool. I dutifully got out and went to grab the toy, and as I came back she wolf whistled a bit. I look like shit, physically, but it was nice nonetheless.

Water Aerobics anyone?
It's all about enjoying the little moments.

In the last post, and for a number of others, I discussed bodywork and massage. I've now had my fifth (and best) session with Mary, and it looks like I'll continue to see her for the foreseeable future.

Part of the appeal of bodywork - in fact the vast majority of the appeal - is the sensation of touch. During a bodywork session I can get completely relaxed and feel like someone else is in charge. It's not a mental state I'm usually in, nor would I expect it to be for most of us. There's always a worry going on. There's always a stress. There's always the sneaking suspicion that the idiot in the Toyota is going to pull into my lane.

But with bodywork I get to put all that outside the door, figuratively and literally strip off the constraints of the outside world, and put myself into the hands of someone who is there to make me feel better.

With Mary we're settling into a very casual and nurturing routine. Not that she doesn't bend and twist me every which way, and stretch me into positions I had no idea my body could handle, but it's interspersed with long, flowing rubs that by their nature are soothing and relaxing.

(This last session Mary managed to contort my right leg so far behind me my foot hit the wall of the room as she held my right shoulder down flat to the table. Pretzel much? Lil Rambler and the boys were pretty much on full display hanging out into space, but Mary didn't hesitate to press the foot to the wall, then repeating the stretch moments later on the left leg. Part of the reason I plan to continue to see Mary is she's putting great bodywork ahead of militant draping. Works for me.)

I also enjoy the morning exercise routine. The time to set myself a goal of doing nothing but listening to music and just moving to the rhythm. It's getting back in touch with a physical aspect of myself that I'd forgotten a long time ago. That was a very long, dark period of my life, though I didn't know it at the time.

So in the last few years I've been focussing on those small pleasures and moments. Whether it's bodywork, swimming in the pool, laying outside to tan, or simply sitting or dancing in the dark during the early morning hours, I have learned to value the "me" time. 

The fact I do virtually all these things naked hasn't been lost on me. 

(* - Clothed Female, Naked Male for my newer readers)


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