2023 'N ME

I haven't done this before, but I'm gonna post my more private New Year's resolutions here. Give myself a benchmark to measure how I do throughout 2023 versus 2022.

First, background: The first half of 2022 was spectacular. I dropped 30 pounds, exercised regularly and felt tremendous. Then I went on vacation and was very self-indulgent.

But in those three weeks I only gained 4 pounds, and still felt great physically.

"I see thin people."
The last three months of 2022 were a physical mess. I ate, drank and dropped my regular workouts. Purely self-indulgent and I own that.

So, for 2023:

-  Back to Ketogenic eating. Exceptionally low carb, with an emphasis on green veggies and healthy fat consumption. (Avocados here I come!)

- Intermittent fasting. 16 hours a day. The jury is out medically on this, but I found it improved my sense of health and well-being. I didn't walk through the day like a zombie after eating (carbs are also largely responsible for this).

- Daily exercise. Half hour in the morning minimum, improving to 45 minutes. Today I did 34 minutes and worked up quite a sweat. My music selections are really good, allowing high energy dance beats to interchange with lower BPM but physically more intense - like standing yoga, to a rhythm. And after my workout, a few minutes cool down in the back yard.

- Physical indulgences. Obviously sex is off the table, but massages and other bodywork are not. Nor are soaking tubs (see my last entry), saunas, spas, etc. I'm giving myself a 10lb budget - for every ten pounds I take off I get to indulge in something physically pleasurable.

- Time in nature. I live not too far from both mountains and deserts. I want to spend time, once the weather warms a bit, out in nature. I've found that escaping to nature, away from other people and mechanical constructs, is enormously level-setting for me. Standing in the middle of the desert, surrounded by nothing but desert, for me really establishes my place in the universe. Gives me perspective on what is - and what is not - important.

Every few weekends I want to schedule hikes or drives into nature, and indulge in a bit of private "out of eyesight" nudity among the trees. Or cacti, depending.

"Look, Ma, no tanlines!"
- Tanning and swimming. Two of my favorite activities around the house. I began a full-time 10 hour a day, M-F job last April, and my tan from last Summer wasn't recreated this year I'm afraid. Lil Rambler is a pale echo of how he looked two years ago. (Around the time I was getting the surgery to remove the vas deferens. The doctor even made a comment about the tan right before surgery, saying "once we get this done I'll have you back out in the sun in no time.") This year I will have to limit my fun to a couple days a week, vacation time and the occasional playing hooky. But fun I will have!

- Social nudity. This will depend on opportunity, of course, but I'd guess some time this Summer I'll be swimming naked with friends at some point - at the very least Mike, and my wife (not at the same time). And anyone else who doesn't care. As I've commented before, the physically better my condition, the less I like to wear. And this Summer I plan to be in pretty good shape.

- Blog schedule. This is more difficult, since I typically wait until a topic gets my attention to want to post. But my intent is for a minimum of twelve entries. I just need to find topics, and with 118 entries so far it's becoming a stretch. (Hey, maybe stretching...!)

So, those are my 2023 resolutions. And one last one: when I succeed in losing the 40 pounds I want to take off this year, I resolve to post a video of me dancing in joy. You'll get a chance to see Lil Rambler dancing about, and will warn my friends to avoid that entry.

So, feel free to comment on your own resolutions below. And Happy 2023!

Not me. I have 40 pounds to go...


  1. Resolutions or re-solutions for the renewed nude and the joys of transparency. Too bad the nudity doesn't expose hidden agendas, intentions or hoped for fantasies. Even the internal thought processes would make great bubble texts above the people or pics of people. Thank you for bringing such freeing considerations to our otherwise constrained life. Peace.


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