In college I had a girlfriend who was utterly fascinated by the fact that testicles move. For the uninitiated, the evolutionary design of our balls is to enable the production of sperm, which requires temperatures a bit below the normal body temp. The solution is to have the testes hang just outside the body cavity, cooling them just enough that they can freely produce copious amounts of swimming tadpoles, who, ideally, will race hellbent towards an ovum once they're deposited in a uterus. Okay, so much for the technical. Our balls hang outside the body, but since outside conditions change they can drop and contract, pulling, as necessary, free of the body when you're in warmer conditions such as a beach in Barcelona or a sauna in Sweden. Chill dude Conversely they can contract, as in the classic Seinfeld episode in which George screams "shrinkage" when a woman sees his chill-reduced package. The testicles pull up tightly against the body hoping to share s...