As I mentioned in my last blog entry, I'm getting into far better shape than I've been in for quite some time. I exercise 30+ minutes every morning, and am following a specific eating plan that seems to be doing a better job than any other plan I've attempted. (I've tried them all: Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, weekly injections, FenPhen - before they realized it was a really bad diet plan.) This one is definitely the best and likely even the easiest to maintain.

So it's having a terrific effect on my physicality. I've healthier and stronger than I've been in years, and am eagerly anticipating my next physical to see what effect this all has had from a medical standpoint. I'm hoping to cut back on a number of weight-related meds I'm on, as well as finding out how the weight loss and physicality have improved my overall health.

And, as predicted, I'm becoming even more comfortable undressed, to the extent I'm considering a day trip to a nude beach this Summer. My wife and I are planning a pretty extensive vacation late June and early July. She's orienting towards a more northerly vacation - Ireland or Scotland - and I'm advocating for something a lot more sun-drenched like Spain or the Caribbean. Both of those latter destinations might give me the chance to go clothing optional on a beach, a treat I haven't experienced since my twenties. If vacation doesn't give me the option, I still have my back yard and there are a few clothing optional beaches within a couple of hours of my house, as well as the decidedly opposite environments of mountains or the desert, all of which are within a few hours. Being nude in each has its own appeal.

(I still have around thirty pounds to lose. My main objective is to be as healthy and comfortable as possible. My wife also has a lot to lose, and in many way my own weight loss is proving problematic as I'm losing it faster than she is. I'm trying hard to keep her from being discouraged. It's important she stay motivated for health reasons.)

One of the most rewarding changes has been the loss of a good percentage of what is called the "fat pad" around my penis. It's a part of the groin, above and around the penis in men, that keeps Lil Rambler from being fully displayed. My weight loss has reduced the pad considerably, and Lil is definitely appearing a bit larger - longer - than in the last couple of decades, which is kinda cool. I figure he will gain another half-inch when the fat pad is gone completely. (I currently hang around 3" soft, though that obviously varies with temperature and situation.)

Another aesthetic impact is that my body hair, particularly my pubes, has gotten denser. If you think about dots on a balloon, they are concentrated when the balloon deflates, and separate when the balloon inflates. In much the same way, my body hair has lost the distance between follicles, making my pubes and other hair appear denser.

I'm beginning to agree with a friend's viewpoint that maybe I am a closeted nudist after all. That it's the weight that previously tamped that down to being "comfortable" naked rather than "preferably" naked. The more weight I lose, the more I'm likely to doff clothing. 

(Under most circumstances I am at the computer with my clothes on, but, for example, writing this particular entry I'm bare. It's the first time in years I've sat at the computer with nothing on - sitting on my underwear spread on the seat, of course. But I've begun to feel more at ease and relaxed when nude, as I've discussed before. And, as I've also discussed, when I was in prime physical condition in college it was difficult to keep clothes on me when I was in my apartment or around the dorms. Or in the Art Department for that matter.)

Oh look, a penis!
(One particularly noteworthy occasion occurred when a good friend - a woman I didn't ever date but had gone to a nude beach together number of times - decided I needed highlights in my hair. She came over one night and I spent most of the time wearing only a towel because the process required me to wash my hair, have the lightener applied, letting it sit for a while and then washing it out. My roommate and his girlfriend came home as my friend was starting the process, leaving me in a towel with three other people fully dressed for most of the evening. My friend and my roommate had seen me nude, so the towel was for the benefit of his girlfriend, otherwise I probably wouldn't have bothered.)

I still have 30-40 pounds to lose, and my plans for the beach will depend upon how I feel and feel like I look. At the moment I have enough fat left that I've got a "muffin top," plus some additional pockets of fat on the inside of my thighs and on my ass. Because of a couple of long-ago hernia scars, I'll never have a flat stomach. Even in my best condition I still had dimples around those scars and it appears even with my weight stretching the scars they have enough resiliency to pucker my skin. But I'll happily take a slimmer physique for this upcoming Summer season, regardless of aesthetics. 

Clothing optional, of course.

Not yet, but hopefully soon


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