Believe it or not, this is my 100th post. Let's examine some intimate stuff.

I have stated, repeatedly, that mainstream porn does nothing to get me excited. The clinical lighting, the ridiculous attempts at "plot," and the over-the-top (no pun intended) moans and groans of the actors are off-putting to me. It actively turns me off.

On the other hand watching people who are seriously enjoying their sexuality is a real turn on. Yes, I'm an admitted voyeur - though haven't done that in person in more than three decades. Watching completely consenting and enthusiastic participants enjoy their bodies (and those of other people) is both life affirming and erotic for me.

Recently I've run across a few people who willingly put their sex lives on the internet. Yes, they're doing it for profit, but they're also very much enjoying the activity and not simply performing for the camera. It's healthy sexuality in plain view.

An example of this are Chris and Kate Marley, a married couple who really seem love each other and enjoy giving pleasure to one another (and sometimes other people who join in their sexcapades). They explore different kinds of sex, some types for the first time such as Kate's first time taking Chris up her bum.

Another is a really erotic video involving light bondage and Kate's massaging of Chris to an impressive orgasm. Chris clearly is the focus of her attention, and there's no false moaning or groaning, just two people having some fun. A separate video has Chris returning the favor. There are some vids in which they are pleasuring each other, and others when only one of them is the focus, and to me that's healthy. 

If they can profit off it then more power to them. It's honest, though very public, sexuality.

My own sexuality has often been the subject of this blog. It's an unfortunate truth that I have been asexual for the last decade. Not willingly but through circumstance. I'm planning on correcting that in the near future by re-initiating sexual activity with my wife. (Brief aside, she suffers from an ailment which eliminates intercourse as a possibility. That's all you need to know. But, as a close friend pointed out, there's a lot of other things we can do...)

I've been being respectful of my wife's boundaries and inhibitions, and will continue to do so, but I'm sureshe could use a good orgasm or two. And sex, for me, is an integral part of any healthy relationship. Obviously there's the intimacy, but there's also the added benefit of flesh to flesh contact, which I believe - and have read - makes for a healthier state of mind. Physical contact is a fundamental human need.

And, I admit, being much healthier myself I am finding masturbation to be a lonely and pretty dull affair. Sex is much better when it's shared, in my not so humble opinion.

Stay tuned.


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