Hi Doc, It's Me, Lil Rambler


It's been a couple of months since I last posted. Distracted by life, I guess.

Physically the surgery I described in my last entry is now deemed a success. The pathology report came back revealing that it was not a blocked vas deferens, but a calcifying one - which explains why the pain was slowly getting worse. Apparently in rare circumstances the vas can calcify. Not sure of the mechanisms or the cause, but as usual my genitals decided they were going to do one more weird thing.

(Side note: I've been complaining for more than a decade about the pain, which had been steadily getting worse. Most doctors brushed it aside as symptom of my varicocele. Two ordered ultrasounds of the testicles, neither of which went into the area in question.)

The doctor removed some three inches of the vas, effectively giving me a left-side vasectomy, though with a much larger scar. The incision runs around two inches, from the edge of the scrotum up at a slight diagonal. The scar tissue underneath is significant - he obviously had to do some cutting to get to the full length. The portion removed is around three inches, starting literally where it connected to the epididymis all the way up to the abdominal wall. Going further than that would have been major surgery, and since I don't seem to be having pain inside the wall there's no reason to have sliced further or deeper.

As I said, the scarring under the skin is more significant than I expected. It runs down into the scrotum, and there's some apparent on the testicle itself - likely where he cut it free. I intend to ask about the likelihood the epididymis might calcify. That would be a whole new problem.

Post-surgery I've gained some weight back. Less physical movement for a month and a half and more time to eat. I'm working to get back down.

I've also started to manscape. The shaved groin, mentioned in my last column, needed to be evened out. The nurse didn't shave both sides, so I evened things out and I have to admit I rather like the look, at least for the time being. I'm trimming the pubic hair to around half an inch, slightly more in some areas.

Given the lack of sex life the only people who get to see the new look are me and my doctors, and they don't really give a damn. Maybe as the weather warms and I get back to laying out in the back yard my wife might get a glance. Aesthetically it's for me, and makes me feel good.

Another anatomical note is that the sets of scars on my left side - multiple hernias and this little adventure - have pushed my penis sideways towards my right side. I'm no longer centered, but nearly all offset to the right. I really can't blame my cock for trying to flee the carnage, but it's a slightly weird appearance.

Performance-wise my system is normalizing. The first few weeks post-surgery my left testicle was drawn tightly up against my torso. Painfully so. But as time goes by it's relaxing a bit and is no longer constantly painful. And, as the epididymis heals that particular knot of pain and scar tissue are reducing, though are not completely gone. There's still a knot on the testicle itself which can get irritated by rubbing clothing. But it's declining. I am getting full erections and surprisingly more cum more than before. Not sure why that is.

The nudity with my doctor continues. The last two appointments have had me prone on his table, balls up with my shirt up and pants down for 20-25 minutes. The first was to remove the stitches and check the scarring. I get amused because this particular doctor does his thing then turns his back to make his notes before telling me to get dressed. Which means I lay there staring at the ceiling for a few minutes as he taps away. The fact I find it amusing rather than embarrassing confirms yet again that I've lost my modesty.

In the next couple months my guess is that I'll have another testicular ultrasound to check on the epididymis' condition, and that the scarring will continue to merit attention. I am working on massaging it daily to reduce any hardening of the scars, which would be problematic given its location. Movement and flexibility could definitely be affected.

But the big news is the fact we got and took care of the cause of the decade-plus pain. I can handle recovery knowing - and feeling - that I wasn't crazy and there was a cause behind the thing nobody could diagnose. Physically I'll recover...in fact, I recently celebrated my 60th birthday. My boss was surprised I worked that day, and I replied that celebrating your 60th by carrying 40 pound boxes up and down ladders - a minor but omnipresent part of my job - was a pretty cool thing. And, according to my doctors, my prostate is surprisingly small (a good thing) and I can tell my overall musculature is much firmer than even a year ago. Still covered by too much fat, but there nonetheless.

Last item: I received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine five days ago and - other than a sore arm the next day - seem to have escaped most symptoms.

Stay tuned.


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