(The title of this column refers to the very funny line in BACK TO THE FUTURE, as spoken by the main character's rather befuddled father. I'm not befuddled...much...but density is the focus of this entry.)

Denser pubes and a leaner tummy

As my regular readers are aware, and as I discussed on my last column, I am going through a period of losing significant weight and putting on some serious muscle. I have a long way to go on both counts, but am over some pretty big (pardon the pun) hurdles already. I'm down 55 pounds from my all-time high five years ago, with only around 35 to go to my current target - I'll re-evaluate if I want to go beyond that point once I get much closer to the original goal. I'm feeling healthier and getting two thumbs up from my cardiologist.

Sexually my erections are much firmer than they were, and - unfortunately - my sex drive is higher than any time in the last couple of decades. I say unfortunately because my wife is still unable to have sex, so I'm high and dry for the moment.

(An unexpected and amusing change was when I realized that if I lay on my stomach there is a good deal more pressure on my pubic bone. Nothing uncomfortable, but a little side effect of the weight loss.)

I am quite comfortable being nude, and spend a good chunk of time in the pool multiple days each week just to luxuriate in my nudity. I also lay out to dry and am sporting a pretty decent tan. Add sleeping naked and the shower the math suggests I spend a third of my life sans clothing, which is fine by me.

Retracting fat pad

And an effect of all this, which shouldn't have been unexpected but surprises me, is how significant the returning density of my body hair. Think of the human body as a balloon. If you put lots of dots all over the balloon which, in this case, represents body hair, and you inflate the balloon, the dots/hair, expand with the surface and get more distant from one another. As you gain weight the effect is the same.

As a result my body hair, particularly my pubes, got less dense. And now that I'm losing all of the weight my hair is getting more densely packed, and my pubic region, in particular, is resuming its more youthful density. A lot more gray, of course, but dense. I'm excited to see how far that trend continues.

And as the weight goes down, I've mentioned before how the fat pad surrounding my genitals has pulled back, exposing more of the base of my penis. I'm not really well-hung, but it's nice to have more to show when I'm naked.

I got muskles!

And physically, my musculature is increasing as a result of my work schedule, which has me lifting heavy boxes on an overnight shift. This is a result of COVID-19 and my wife's health. She and I, and her doc tor, were uncomfortable with me spending much time talking to strangers, which

is pretty much my job description. My company didn't want me to go on full furlough, so created an overnight shift to keep me, and others, working. I am lifting 40-50 pound boxes and going up and down ladders, which has dramatically revived my physical condition. I've been impressed with muscle memory which has to be reaching back decades to my youth.

It's also the primary contributor to my weight loss. Win-win.

So the journey continues. I'm likely to get back to day shifts in a few weeks and will need to modify some other behaviors to avoid putting the weight back on — and indeed to continue to lose it.

But so far the progress has been positive and healthful.

Stay tuned.

Not me, but my favorite activity...


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