Lots of things going on in life, keeping me from updating very often. Plus, I think I've exhausted a bunch of topics and not having a real source of new material it might start to get stale.

The medical front (pun not fully intended) continues unabated. I seem to be coming into another season of unabated attention towards my groin. My urologist commented that I was pretty much a urological trifecta, with problems in my kidneys, testicles and possibly prostate.
(He's now very concerned about my last voiding test - where they run a handheld ultrasound scanner over your abdomen to get a read on the amount of urine in your bladder. When I got to his office I thought I was just giving them a urine sample and didn't know a voiding ultrasound would be included. No matter how many times I told him I hadn't tried to void entirely he asked me about how many times I get up at night, etc.)

So, one "yay."
On the other hand my regular urologist sent me for yet another ball-busting ultrasound, which means I was nuts-up on a gurney with a lab tech running the ultrasound sensor all over my testicles. It's exactly as fun as it sounds, though as readers here will note the last time I had it done was a much more relaxed and amusing time than my previous four testicular ultrasounds had been. It wasn't much in the way of fun for either the tech or me, but it does mean I was balls-up naked for a while. Nothing found.
Approximately two weeks after my nuts get the twice-over I have my annual physical. My doctor is old-school, which means the full turn and cough as well as the finger up the backside.

Thank God he's a patient and progressive practitioner.
I have some thoughts percolating on how nudity empowers people, but will save those for the next time.
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