It's rare I'll post two times in a day, let alone in a week, but here we go.

Much of the recent coronavirus scare has impacted me and my family/friends as much as it has most other people - fortunately we have, as of yet, not lost anyone. For those victims I reserve my most heartfelt remorse.

My wife and I are hunkering down, wearing masks when we go outdoors and generally being conscious of our own safety. My schedule has changed to working nights to avoid social contact - the place I work created a night shift specifically to allow people like me - who would otherwise be forced to take time off - to continue to get paid and work. It's a different job than I was hired to do, but I'll happily stock shelves to keep food on the table and medicines in the cabinet.

I'm hoping this entry finds my readers healthy as well.

Sexually little has changed, which is why I haven't really been updating of late. My wife's condition continues unabated, and my sex life consists of my very active imagination and my left hand. I guess I can consider myself lucky I can still get a pretty hard erection at this point (after a little effort, that is...), even without the little blue pills, even if I have little use for one outside of the bathroom.

Medically I've been exposed as much as usual. A couple of months ago I got my sixth - or is it seventh? - testicular ultrasound. Me and a technician, a solitary female this time, with me on my back with my nuts exposed. It's an intimate exam, with the technician spreading a thick greasy goop as over your balls and then running a probe over them repeatedly.

The tech in this case ran the probe into every crevice and bump, quite thorough and taking her time, tapping Lil Rambler enough times I think it was deliberate. I don't think I chubbed up, but who knows?

Unlike the last two occasions I had this done she didn't leave the room as I undressed from the waist down (a pretty silly medical practice, since you're gonna see my nuts and cock shortly anyway...). She simply waited until I dropped trou and laid down on the exam table, then covered me with a small towel. When I got on the examination table Lil Rambler wasn't tucked all the way up pointing towards my head as it had been in a few of the previous exams, but lay off to my right side as it usually does when I'm tanning.

"Wait, you're gonna do what???"
The tech just dropped the towel over my belly with Lil's ventral parts peeking out.

(In her defense, the instructions from the doctor were pretty explicit as to the degree of imaging required. He wanted pictures of both testes and the scrotum, and up both sides of the groin to follow the spermatic cord. Not a lot of room for modesty.)

This all  resulted in more than a couple of "inadvertent" touches as she examined me. It left me kind of wondering why the towel in the first place, since it wasn't really covering much.

The good news is that the test showed that the varicocele in my left testicle hadn't grown a whole lot, and that, despite some pain, there wasn't one on the right side.

Knowing this, my urologist has now scheduled me for a cystoscopy - jamming a tube up my penis and examining my insides. Exactly as pleasant as it sounds. (Can't anyone find a better use for my penis? Please?)

So, yeah.

Otherwise I am continuing to adapt to the health scare. The weather has changed enough I'm laying out in the back yard again. There's very little more relaxing than laying out naked in the sun - if you're careful - and my dog genuinely enjoys the fact I'm on the ground with him. My tan has started to return pretty quickly this year.

Sexually I'm still in limbo. I've discovered that my sexual preferences are towards helping other people orgasm. I love getting other people off. Yet my wife's problems make this unlikely if not impossible for her. Yeah, I love to cum myself and jack off frequently, but my greatest satisfaction comes from seeing other people in ecstasy. Man or woman, doesn't matter. Seeing people in that ultimate uninhibited state of arousal and orgasm is something wonderful, and much of my sexual background, I've realized, was aimed in this direction.

I love(d) getting people off. It's really the nicest gift you can give another human, but I have precious little opportunity these days. I'm desperately missing physical contact and sexual intimacy.

Sigh. Maybe I'll do an essay on this next.

 And so it goes.


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