I love to travel. My wife and I are frequent travelers to as many exotic destinations as possible, though we have a huge portion of the world left to explore.

But given the stresses of the modern world I find myself also beginning to crave getting away from it all. I'd love to find some remote beach with a shack, strip off and spend four or five days with nothing but the ocean, the shack and the sun to keep me occupied. Okay, and a fully stocked library for good measure.

I need to get some alone time. Some time away from people and activity. To be naked with nature and
enjoy the solitude.

I came to that conclusion the other day when I was watching some tv program where a character is in such a remote location, and I thought "God, that looks terrific." Of course, the character was clothed and trying to find a way off the island and back to civilization, but I'd be happy to give it a go myself.

There's a different television show originating, I think, in Spain. Adan y Eva. It's a reality game show, kind of like The Bachelor, only the contestants are on a tropical island and nude.
No, not "clothing optional," nude.

And while there are plenty of breasts and penises, there's no explicit sex. At least on camera.

It's a weird little program, but the beach is almost exactly the sort of place I could find myself - sans the camera crew, hostess and other contestants, of course. I'd want the place to myself, just to collect my thoughts and reassess my place in the Universe. Just make sure the larder is stocked, the temperature of the beach and water are pleasant, and I'm safe.

Not much to ask.

Another thing I haven't done for some years, but one of my favorite places to go is in the desert Southwest. To be away from the world and isolated. Looking up, particularly at night, or looking at the vast and untouched floor of the desert - where I literally cannot see another person for miles around - is part of my intellectual health.

And, in a bit of a reverse echo to my topic of last December, which involved my need to be touched, getting away from people is also something I need to do, and soon. I've stripped off on previous trips to the desert, but only for short periods for fear someone might see and report me. But I'd love a nude hike, or driving to a remote part of the desert and just lay in the sun for a while.

Separately, and closer to reality, I'm looking forward to warmer weather here at the house, when I can again swim naked in the pool and lay out to sun myself. It's a wonderfully pleasurable yet innocent way to relax, and it's something I miss.

(One of my concerns about moving from this house, should it ever happen, is the loss of the privacy which allows me to be naked in my back yard. It's a major plus in this residence, and now that I'm used to it I know I'll miss it.)

This year my focus has to be on both physical and mental health. Stay tuned.


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