I had breakfast with a friend of mine today, and she's one of two close friends who are aware of this blog. She noted I hadn't written anything for some months. So here I am again.

My last entry was kind of depressing, I admit. Not that it isn't deserved but I generally prefer to be more upbeat and positive. I do miss sex, and don't have much of any other outlets for my comments on the topic. So that, to remind my readers or catch up someone who's new, is why I write this blog. To discuss my feelings and maybe make contact with someone who is going through things themselves.

That noted, Happy New Year. Yes, it's February, but this is my first entry of 2020.

A few things to catch you up on:

I am consulting a specialist regarding the third botched attempt to destroy a particularly stubborn kidney stone in my left kidney. I've commented in a number of previous entries that I've become used to regularly being stripped naked by doctors and technicians to examine my crotch or related body part. Undergoing the third round of lithotripsy (using ultrasonic waves to destroy kidney stones) apparently required a stent or other temporary insertion into my penis. It was sore for a day or so, a dead giveaway that somebody in that operating room owed me a cigarette.

Which brings me to the next round. Mid-February I am consulting the specialist about trying a more direct approach to destroying the kidney stone: shoving a hollow steel rod up my cock and using it to push a camera, laser and retrieval net to deal with the kidney stone directly. Having had this sort of thing done twice previously - to insert what's called a uretal stent to open up a contriction in the tube from the kidney to the bladder - I'm aware of how the procedure works and the after-effects.

Just not kicked in the head with the idea of being stripped again while I'm unconscious and draped to cover everything EXCEPT my dick. Kind of silly to cover the nude patient in my opinion, but maybe it's a distraction. Sure as Hell does nothing for patient dignity.

All of this will require a physical examination - exposing Lil Rambler to yet another doctor - and possibly another round of ultrasound.

Mirror image photo of the target area
And so it goes.

Then there's the additional testicular problem of my varicocele - essentially a varicose vein in your testicles - which is being treated by my physical therapist. What has been quite intimate work became even more intimate in my last session as we tried a couple of different techniques to see if we could improve the amount of time I get pain relief from the symptoms.

(The symptoms are a bruised sensation all along the left side of my groin, adjacent to Lil Rambler and down into my testicle. Then there are two points of direct pain and knotting, one at the base of the penis and the other on the underside of the testicle next to the perineum. That second one seems to be capable of causing remote pains in other areas.)

So this last round he tried connecting a pair of electrical nodes to various spots in my groin and sending impulses in an attempt to get the muscles to relax. The spots he chose ranged from well aside of the pubic region to spots directly above the pubic bone and just above my scrotum, but the lack of direct skin contact - pubic hair got in the way - kept it from working too well. None of these areas seemed to have an immediate impact, other than a couple howls when one spot in particular was not in full contact - again, hair - and resulted in an actual electrical zap.

Abandoning that plan, he was a little more aggressive with pressure and deep bodywork than before, particularly pressing on the two points of pain which he identified definitely felt, to him, like knots about the size of a small pea. Nothing quite like lying flat on a table while your penis and balls get manipulated by a therapist.

(Don't get me wrong: Lil Rambler appreciated the attention and became quite full of himself. My therapist noted that "at least the equipment still works.)

After nearly an hour of working with different ideas and pressures my therapist gave in, gave me a fast handjob to relax Lil and sent me on my way. I need to see him again soon, and hoping we'll continue to try new techniques to see what helps.

So...there you have it. Up to date.

I have a couple of ideas for future blog entries, but wanted to re-introduce myself and bring the record current.

Stay tuned. I see the specialist in a week.

My life these days, but undoubtedly more fun for him


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