So a Men's Issues forum I visit with some regularity has a section on embarrassing doctor's visits. I had an interesting appointment this last week that I recounted and got a few online-style chuckles from the other members. I thought I'd share the story here too. It wasn't really embarrassing - I have a very high threshold for that these days, as my regular readers will acknowledge - but I had a consult with a urologist this last week over whether or not some kidney stones needed to be removed via ureteroscopy. I don't have any pain from them, but my regular urologist wanted me to have a second opinion from a specialist. So I traipsed down to see the new guy and was promptly led into the exam room (very fast, which was nice). After an extended wait one of the secondary doctors came in, apologized for the delay and said the specialist had been called to a different room with an urgent situation. This guy was going to check my vitals and go thro...