Quick addendum: I think we have it sorted. In order to protect everyone's sensibilities I am letting the visiting couple know I'm going swimming, letting the wife decide whether to hide her eyes or not. 

Yesterday, however, she was sitting around in a very light sundress talking to my wife and me, with her husband standing in the doorway. The subject turned to a dark bruise on her arm - they've been moving, but we were giving her husband grief about abusing her. "Oh you think THAT one is bad" she said, "take a look at this!" 

And with that she stood up, lifted her skirt, and pulled her panties slightly to the side to show us a huge bruise on her left butt cheek. Somehow I don't think we're going to have much of a problem.

I have been gone a while again. Just not a whole lot to discuss these days that I haven't gone on about ad nauseum in previous entries. But today starts what is going to be a frustrating time for me. Not from a sexual nature, but from a freedom one.

As I've noted a few times we have a very private back yard with a spa and pool. I freely swim nude and lay out to dry afterward (and have a pretty decent all-over tan going).

Friends of ours are selling their house and moving in with us while the house is on the market and moving through escrow. It promises to be fairly cramped quarters for a while, for all of us. They have been our friends for decades. She is European, dutch, and has traditional European values - in other words, no real fear of seeing another adult naked. Her husband is American but professes more European attitudes towards things, and there's no reason not to think he doesn't.

My guess is that with a little discretion I could continue to swim and lay out without too much harm, but my wife has made it clear I'll have to wear a swimsuit while they're here. As I've mentioned before, I abhor swimsuits. Particularly the massive boardies men sport these days. They are cold, clammy and clingy, dragging you down when you're in the water, cramping you up when you're not.

I tolerate them if we're in public. If we're on vacation somewhere, for instance, and snorkeling is on the docket. Or a public non-nude beach. (It's been a long time since I had the physique for a Speedo...)

Join in!
But my own back yard is my domain, I would think. Pulling on a swimsuit for family visits or friends over for the evening is one thing. Forced to wear one for what could be a month and a half or longer is something else again. They are good friends, and as noted profess European values. I've seen her partially nude for a photo session she asked me to do years ago. (She had a back injury and was getting chiropractic treatments. The doctor had her doing a series of physical exercises/yoga poses she wanted documented, and she was wearing a very loose medical smock and panties.)

I should note there is zero chance of anything sexual with either of them. I don't care if they swim or use the spa nude, nor do I care if they see me naked. I figure we're all roommates and certain casualness ought to be the norm, particularly when there's a private yard and pool. If I want to walk around in my boxers and swim naked in my own pool I ought to be able to do it as long as it's not flaunted or exhibitionist. And I think they would be fine with it, with some discretion. But my wife insists otherwise, despite admitting she agrees they likely wouldn't care.

So I'm chafing a bit.

And a little annoyed.

Stay tuned.

The way it should be...


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