I'm sitting on the deck of my home, doing something most people might misinterpret as masturbating. But that's not it, and cumming isn't my intent.

A week or so ago I was reading about Asian massage techniques, particularly in regards to Chi and energy flows through the body. In particular the writer, a professional therapist, commented that in new patients he could feel a graininess to muscle and skin tone. This graininess is a block to proper blood flow.

I began thinking about some of the physiological reactions we develop as we age, and in particular my own challenges with, among other things, erectile dysfunction. There are times, since this is my "full honesty, let it all hang out" blog, that I have trouble attaining or maintaining an erection. Hell, I'm a 58 year old man with a lot of body fat. It kind of, sadly, goes with the territory. Thirty years ago I was fit with a perhaps overly enthusiastic Lil Rambler gleefully pointing the way.

But in my current physical regime aimed at recovering a bit if what I once had, both sexually and from an overall healthy physiology, I've become curious about different cultures and techniques when it comes to, well, cumming.

Not me, but the basic idea
Once of my biggest gripes as a fat guy, however, is the fat pad around the base of my cock. I lose, by my estimation, around 3/4 of an inch in appearance.

All of which brings me to this column's topic.

I started to wonder about that graininess in relation to Lil Rambler. I have some experience in massage, so thought it might be interesting to see if I could detect any, which might be leading to the Lil guy's lack of enthusiasm. The next chance I had I felt around the various parts of my penis, and discovered that yes, indeed, there's a graininess to the deep tissue, particularly in the areas of the penis which fill with blood, causing an erection.

A while ago I wrote about a new medical technique called Gainswave, which uses a device to quite literally hammer the sediment out of the erectile tissue, open up the blood vessels and stimulate the penile tissue. It's a very fast pulse which fires thousands of tiny little thumps into the penis. The results are reportedly quite successful.

It started me wondering if it might be possible to break up the sedimentation and stimulate the blood flow in a simpler way.

I was familiar with the practice of jelqing, which is a technique of penis massage claimed to be a way to make your cock bigger and longer. That isn't really what I'm looking for, however. Yes, like almost every guy I'd like to be more well hung, but I'm working with the equipment I have and which has served me dutifully and admirably in the past.

My goals are to get and maintain a more full erection, harder and lasting, and in-between those times present a bigger looking cock when I'm limp.

So I've begun a daily practice of a half hour or so of a form of penile massage which doesn't get me hard - in fact it's interesting that I don't produce precum when I'm doing this, even though it's similar to my methods of stimulation when I'm jacking off. When I'm getting myself aroused for masturbation I do get a fair amount of precum, suggesting this is doing something different physiologically.

My technique is simple: usually my left hand, and I grasp my penis using three fingers, the index, middle and thumb. The thumb goes on the upper side of the cock, and the other two fingers are slightly separated, pressing firmly into the lower part, with a slight separation fir the urethra. (This sort of thing might irritate or damage the urethra. Plus too much pressure hurts slightly, so...)

I then pull the hand upwards, away from the torso, moving up along the shaft about halfway, pressing deeply into the soft fleshy parts of the penis. I can feel the graininess as I do so. Pressure-wise I am pressing hard but not painfully. It's enough that the skin under my fingers moves with the finger, avoiding upbraiding the skin as well as extending the pressure underneath. Essentially I am working to open up the blood flow, and forcing some of the blood upwards into the head of my cock.

(I definitely feel a little bit of the sandy grittiness the promoters of Gaineswave suggest their device breaks up, particularly towards the base of the shaft. It will be interesting to see if this sensation decreases as we go along.)

I continue this action for a while, and alternate it with additional pressure further up the shaft. The skin, even limp, only allows me to go about half the shaft at a time. I don't massage the head, letting it just enlarge naturally with the incoming blood flow.

I do this for about a half an hour, reading on the internet or at-times watching sexual videos to enhance the blood flow.

So far I've seen a pretty good result. I'm not being medical or note-oriented, but can report that Lil Rambler seems to be generally larger for a good portion of the day. Instead of shrinking to a couple of inches peeking out from the fat pad I'm getting something more like three inches when soft. Still losing that 3/4 inch to the fat pad, and am working on the weight loss, but I hang more loosely than I seemed to before. I'm only a week or so in, so we'll see where this leads.

Results so far:

My erections seem more dependable and firmer, especially right after the session. So I'm getting what I want, even if the results aren't something other people might want (physically larger). I'm perfectly happy with Lil Rambler feeling better and more enthusiastic, at least for most of the day. We'll see if daily sessions produces a more long-term effect. There's no indication it will increase the length or girth altogether - I don't believe that's physiologically possible other than to enable me to generate blood flow to grow to my maximum capacity. But that alone would be worth it.

I woke up both yesterday and today with semi-morning wood.

Not a true pattern as of yet, but the increased length when I'm limp does let me feel more masculine and "a man."

And I like that.


  1. Am I right in thinking your started this a few years ago. How has it gone?

    1. It has certainly been a help to my overall health and sense of well being. its become part of a much more impactful healthier lifestyle. Overall think it's contributed to stronger erections and better sensation. Thanks for asking!


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