My workout routine is going well. I walk between 6K and 19K steps a day depending upon my work schedule. My job is heavily dependent upon walking, movement, and lifting heavy things, so it's perfect for getting a workout in. I swim for twenty minutes or so most days (before getting out and drying off naturally) . I have now added 20+ minutes of dance exercise to my daily routine. The right direction. Two years ago, when I was twenty pounds lighter than I am now, I was dancing for around 40 minutes a day. That exercise came as part of a longer term program to lose weight I had embarked upon. It got me down forty-plus pounds from my highest weight, and within striking distance of several major goals. I danced around, just bopping around really, to various tracks on Youtube. Nothing formal. And it all collapsed as life intervened. But I'm pushing back. So I've resumed doing the dancing first thing in the morning. I started yesterday, and was pleasantly surpri...