I got an email the other day asking whether or not I ought to just admit I'm gay. The writer noted that the majority of my entries seem to focus on male/male relations rather than the more traditional male/female roles.

When I started this blog it was to go into and examine my sexuality. As a late-50s male I'm confronting a variety of issues related to sex, sexuality and my own sexual satisfaction. I only have two close friends I can discuss this with, and my wife is enduring an ongoing medical condition which prevents any sexual activity.

But I *do* love, appreciate, and want to have fun with the female form. Given my druthers I could happily be balls-deep in a woman every day for the rest of my life, as long as Lil Rambler holds out. (That's a different problem, for another time.)
But psychologically I have difficulty imagining a scenario in which I would have sex with a woman other than my wife. I just couldn't do it.
Which leaves me with men.
For years I harbored the fantasy that maybe my best friend and I could have a casual male/male "helping hand" relationship, but if you read my last blog entry I've pretty well moved beyond that.

And so, dry spell.
And focus on male/male relationships versus male/female. Again, it's parsing nits, but it seems less of a betrayal to my wife this way.
But I love women. I love a well-formed cleavage - which can be monstrously distracting for me under the right circumstances. I really try to be respectful but, as I noted in a previous entry, I really want to look. I love the appearance of a woman's vagina. I could easily spend lots of time going down on her (oral is my favorite kind of sex). I love cuddling, and I love the casual nudity whether it's CFNM or mutual nudity. I just love the sensations that come from intimacy with the female form.
And even though we're not intimate sexually, I *am* naked in front of my wife quite a bit. In the shower, in bed, swimming or tanning in the back yard. There are times I go pants-free around the house. She' a great deal more shy.
I don't talk about it as much as I should, I guess. But I assure the reader that my guess of 80/20 bisexuality is definitely tilted towards the ladies.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
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