"What ever happened to pubic hair?" - Dr Herb Melnick, TWO AND A HALF MEN

In our teen years we - particularly men - spend a lot of time focused on the production of body hair. It's part of the ritual, and those who grow it earliest somehow win some sort of non-existent prize, while the people who grow it last are somehow losers. It really doesn't matter once you've accomplished the goal, but being last in a crowd is never a happy experience.
And pubic hair is the most important of those hair growths. It signifies we're adults. (Well,
becoming adults. That achievement also relies upon mental maturation and I know people in their forties who still haven't fully developed.)

Sperm production..and accompanying ejaculation...are the male measurement of becoming an adult. Unfortunately for women, we get the fun stuff while women get a monthly bout of cramps and bleeding. Yeah, it's not exactly fair.
But in both camps the pubes outwardly signify when we pass from childhood to adulthood.

The weird thing is that there seems to be a strong movement in adults toward shaving/waxing or sugaring their pubes away. Some people who do it claim it makes sex more tactile and enhances their sensations. But there's a major aesthetic aspect to it as well, and some people seem to have arrived at the conclusion that a hairless body is more pleasing than is a hairier one.

I'm all about "to each their own" and have actually tried it a few times myself. Every once in a while I get the urge to shave my balls, and enjoy
most of the sensation that produces afterward. (Nobody enjoys ingrown hairs..just saying.) And I trim my pubes periodically, as I think everyone should. But other than a couple of surgical procedures that require the pubes to be shaved (hernias), I haven't gone all the way for decades.
But as I watch porn and talk to younger people I'm discovering a solid trend towards denuding the body of hair (see what I did there?).
What ever happened to pubic hair?
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