In this subset the eroticism is achieved by the nudity of one of the participants, while the other is "safely" clothed. It's got dozens of variations ranging from exhibitionism to cuckolding. Professional people, athletics. You name it, there's a potential for one person (or more) to be naked while others in the scene are fully clothed.
And while one end of the range definitely includes the humiliation of the nude person, the other end has its foot firmly in the assured and confident category. I'm slowly moving into this latter group.
Once upon a time, many years ago, I was confident in my nudity. Being naked was just another aspect of life, and it wasn't necessarily a sexual thing. I posed for artists in the University's art department. I spent a good portion of the time in the dorms naked. Not all the time, but enough the RA once reminded me to keep my towel on when going from my room to the showers (and back again). It was in that same dorm that we - six or so of my friends - played strip poker with some regularity. I've already posted what the game prize was...and the loser's "punishment".

Then married life, my physical decline and massive weight gain caused a stop to anything resembling CLOTHED, NAKED. My self-esteem was rattled and being seen undressed was something with little appeal. I was, frankly, embarrassed. For decades, as it turned out. And as the weight increased the more my embarrassment increased and the more I was shy about being nude, even around my wife. A major part of my ego had been built around the fact I really looked pretty good naked, and losing that confidence undoubtedly fed my problems.
For years the only people to see me undressed were my wife, my various medical professionals (GP as well as urologists, nurses and surgeons), and my best friend. And since my friend is heavily into physical fitness that was, in and of itself, an intimate exposure I kept to a minimum (getting in and out of the spa, etc.). I just didn't want to be seen in that condition.
A psychological problem for someone not used to being physiologically modest.
(In previous entries I've discussed working with an artist - and friend - who would be completely nude while I was in business attire (CMNM). I routinely am completely nude with my physical therapist, whether it's on his table or standing at his desk looking at some article he's found before we start the therapy. I simply undress as soon as I go into his examination room and remain that way until just before leaving. Draping used to be de rigeur, but given the subsequent years and injuries and our friendship, it's catch as catch can with neither of us terribly unnerved.)

I've relaxed a lot more when it comes to being undressed. Exposed. I don't mind being naked even if the other people in the room are clothed. I'm not an exhibitionist (yet, that may come). But if there's a need for nudity - dropping my pants for a t-shot in the ass, for example - I no longer wrestle with the trousers to protect Little Rambler's modesty.
I exercise in the nude every morning, a portion of which involves simply dancing around to music videos. (Dancing while naked is a freeing and wonderful experience. Try it.) Nobody else is awake, but the sensation is itself part of the motivation to keep the regimen going. It's not sexual or exhibitionist (nobody sees me), it's erotic and fun.

In the last month I've been swimming in our pool whenever possible. It helps with the workout regimen, adds to my (carefully attained) all-over tan, and feeds my need to be naked. My wife usually joins me adorned in a pretty black one-piece. And for the next hour or so I swim or drift in the water, talking to my wife about dozens of different topics, all while naked and she is clothed.
Yesterday, for the first time, I spread the towel on the concrete next to the pool and lay down to dry off instead of just toweling off. She's seen me tanning in the backyard before, but never adjacent to her or while she was in the pool. And while all those years ago on our honeymoon it startled her, this time we just kept the conversation going as if nothing at all was odd. And long periods of her just drifting quietly in the pool while I was dried by the sun. And it felt great. Liberating.
I love being half of a C?N? scenario. Not for the sexual aspects of it, for the social aspects of it. Being that confident and intimate with a friend or lover. Not where sex is expected, but letting that person know you trust them enough to be explicitly open. I can be the naked one. I can be the clothed one. Or we can both be naked.
It's a social thing.
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