Scopophilia - The Aesthetics of Looking

I am a photographer, and a good portion of the aesthetic that goes into being a good photographer is a close kissing cousin, if not a blood relative, of voyeurism. I know many of my fellow photographers will either bristle angrily or nod with appreciation...and no middle ground about it.

But largely a good photographer will be a bit of a voyeur, looking in on other people's lives and enjoying the fascination of it. Before you curl your lip in disdain, it's a trait we share with an increasing number of humans, as just a minute glance at any tv listing will demonstrate. We're a species of voyeurs who like to observe others of our species. Scopophilia is the love of looking.

We all do it. Whether we're honest and label it as voyeurism, or hide behind other, more politically correct monikers such as "people watching" or "tv show watching", it is something which appeals to our more basic, and sometimes base, instincts.

For my part I love everything from casual people watching at, say, a restaurant in a busy intersection,
to watching people have sex whether it's in pornographic videos or in front of my camera lens. I love seeing other humans doing things, going about their lives, and through my watching discover their true, essential, humanity.

And to me, sexual voyeurism is the best way to see people at their most natural. If they're in touch with their body I find it immensely attractive and invigorating. This, perhaps, is me of the reasons I'm not fond of professional pornography. They aren't being themselves, they're acting. Usually badly.

But watching real (consenting, both to the act and to be viewed doing it) adults simply enjoying their body, or another person's body...or a group of a real turn on for me. People who want to share something intimate about themselves. In the proper context this can be wildly fun, empowering and rewarding.

(I don't include public exhibitionists here. Exposing yourself and having intimate acts in front of an unwilling audience isn't cool. My red line is the phrase "consenting adults". Lacking that consent keep your dick/breasts fully wrapped. Time and place, kids, time and place.)

Although it's not socially acceptable any more, for good reason, I find myself still staring at a great ass, cleavage, beautiful breasts and a well developed thigh. (Male and female asses and thighs, though ladies have more enjoyable features most of the time.) I also pay attention to eyes, jaw lines and intellect. This last one I'm not exaggerating or adding for credit...I truly find a strong intellect stimulating.

So I love to look. I love to watch. My mind's eye is far more creative than your made-up scene, and watching people enjoying their physical beings is just part of my aesthetic. 

Both behind the camera, and behind my eyes.


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