"A hard man is good to find." - Unknown
I've awakened several times in the last few weeks with morning wood. This is something new for me, and probably hasn't happened for at least ten years, perhaps longer. It's a pleasant experience and something that, in a way, reminds me I'm male.
But it's been a long while since I last was awakened with Lil Rambler asking for attention. And now we know why.
One of the more intriguing experiences of the last couple of years is
my diagnosis of low testosterone. The symptomology was there, but for
some reason the doctor (my GP) never caught it until I was well below
the threshold for a healthy male.

I knew that "Lil
Rambler" wasn't up to his former self, and my interest in intercourse
and other forms of sex had waned. Intellectually I was still fascinated
by the topic, but the body, which had grown - to be brutally honest with
myself - had grown fat and flaccid. "Former Athlete's Disease", I
thought, meaning that I was no longer physically fit and therefore
physically disinterested in sex.
Who knew that the problem largely stemmed from low testosterone?

For years I was frustrated by the declining testosterone but didn't know the source. I felt it necessary to apologize to my wife for the lack of a penetrating erection, for instance. Masturbation wasn't much better and none of the orgasms were anything worth noting. (As a young man I was a shooter. As I grew older and less fit I'm a dribbler. The low testosterone was probably a cause. Working on getting those muscles back in shape.)

Late last year my urologist tested my T levels and found they were less than half of what is normally the low end of the range they want to see in a healthy male. He recommended T injections. I'm not a fan of needles - who is? - but bi-weekly injections to give me better energy and an uplift, so to speak, in bed seemed like an equitable exchange.
I began the treatment in November and within a couple of months felt a dramatic change. Muscles I'd thought had abandoned me completely started to reassert themselves and demand physical activity. I happily complied and have been on a building regimen ever since. I've dropped 35 pounds and have a lot more muscle tone than I have in years - sadly it's still covered by layers of fat and not readily visible, but it will be.

But better than that I have been deeply grateful for a re-invigorated erection. Lil Rambler is now more attentive and reactive than he's been in years, and the orgasms can be quite intense. As noted, I've been at attention a few times in the morning. Lost pubic hair has reasserted itself (which reminds me I need to trim), and Lil Rambler is, I swear, back to his old dimensions. (My pre-treatment erection was not only more flaccid, but also a smaller degree of engorgement) (is that even a word?).
Looking back at some old photographs I'd made of myself in my teens and twenties I discovered how much I'd become the old fat guy with a small dick...and that's difficult to admit.
(I nearly wrote "hard" to admit, but caught myself.)

Yesterday I was tested for my T levels and we should have the results in a week. Regardless, I consider it a success and am happy the doctor identified the problem and treated it.
Modern men are sometimes loath to bring up the subject - pun and humor intended - but should. No guy wants to admit his penis is anything less than wildly enthusiastic, but it happens.
Best thing to do is ask the doctor and see where it takes you. Ultimately it could be a very good thing.
Tell 'em Lil Rambler told you so.
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