In my last entry I described how bodywork and getting back into shape are a deep focus for me right now. But sometimes, when you get older, the universe has a different plan. Last Saturday my body decided to double down on this, and I was rushed to the Emergency Room at a nearby hospital. Spending two days in the hospital, the first twelve hours of which was spent in the ER trying to get the old ticker to decide on some sort of - any sort of - regular rhythm. Turns out I have this thing, previously undiagnosed, called atrial-fibrillation. Fans of medical tv shows will recognize the term "a-fib," meaning the atria, the top smaller parts of the heart, are out of sequence with the lower, larger ventricles. Wake up call. I've already been focussed on trying to get back into shape, but this forces me to give up what are perhaps my last two real vices: caffeine and alcohol. And to add insult to injury, eat healthier and healthier foods. (To be honest, I had already started t...