Like many people watching tv, at least according to published ratings, I am enjoying the new streaming show The Last of Us on HBO. If you're unfamiliar with it, the premise is that in a post-apocalyptic world one person has been shown to be immune to the condition that has killed the majority of the world's population and turned a bunch of the remainders into zombies. It's a fairly standard science fiction trope, though with the twist that the infection was fungal not viral or bacterial. It's based on a video game. The show is well done and entertaining, and features a few of my favorite actors. Bella Ramsey, Anna Torv So why the fuck and I writing about a tv show that, at least so far, is decidedly nonsexual and features zero nudity? (Again, at least so far..) There was a line delivered by actor Anna Torv's character Tess in the first or second episode which grated on my nerves and has stuck with me. One of the characters, the one who is immune to the disease, is ...