I've been absent for a month and I apologize. I made a password error signing in one day and the Blogger algorithm immediately became suspicious and locked me out. But I'm back. I was in the middle of writing this entry when it happened... When I was high school my friends and I used to play a game of what we called "This, That or The Other?" In other words, of these three things which do you prefer? Most of the time it was things like "Sabrina, Jill or Kelly?" Charlie's Angels. "Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?" "Cocoa Puffs, Frankenberry or Lucky Charms?" You get the picture. Eeny, meeny, miny... One that caught me off guard and that triggered a specific train of thought was when one of the guys blurted out in the locker room "A girl comes in to the locker room, you can only cover one: Pubes, dick or balls?" And at the time, I immediately went to pubes as my answer. I'm not fifteen any more, so I'm not sure why th...