The blog has just crested 61,000 hits, and with 105 entries so far the average number of hits per entry is 580 (hey, look, those high school math skills were useful!). Since beginning this little adventure in 2016, with the newer blog site starting in 2017 (long story involving an errant email), I've explored my sexuality, health, misadventures, pornography, naturism/nudism, CFNM, massage, and a half dozen other topics. It's attracted an audience, and much of the feedback I've gotten suggests the discussion is a useful one. But that doesn't tell the true story. So far, and by far, the most popular entries are those that are based on relationships. In order, the five most read blogs have been INTIMATE FRIENDS with 1225 hits. A discussion of intimate friendships. Not sexual intimacy, emotional and conversational intimacy. LOST HORIZONS with 1242 hits. Recovering after a long bout of obesity. It's been a years-long effort which I've discussed repeatedly. This ...