Hi Doc, It's Me, Lil Rambler

It's been a couple of months since I last posted. Distracted by life, I guess. Physically the surgery I described in my last entry is now deemed a success. The pathology report came back revealing that it was not a blocked vas deferens, but a calcifying one - which explains why the pain was slowly getting worse. Apparently in rare circumstances the vas can calcify. Not sure of the mechanisms or the cause, but as usual my genitals decided they were going to do one more weird thing. (Side note: I've been complaining for more than a decade about the pain, which had been steadily getting worse. Most doctors brushed it aside as symptom of my varicocele. Two ordered ultrasounds of the testicles, neither of which went into the area in question.) The doctor removed some three inches of the vas, effectively giving me a left-side vasectomy, though with a much larger scar. The incision runs around two inches, from the edge of the scrotum up at a slight diagonal. The scar tissue undern...