
Showing posts from February, 2019


If you don't recognize the titular reference, it's for a character from the tv show The Big Bang Theory. Kind of an appropriate show name for this topic, which is sexual experimentation. I am a firm believer that people of proper consensual age be encouraged to experiment sexually. Most of us do, anyway, but sexual and mental health depend upon a secure and enjoyable sex life. Without societal permission to explore sexual wants and needs we can assume roles which are not fully rewarding, and, in fact, can be quite damaging. I know this sort of thought is unusual, and will certainly never happen in modern American society. Many Americans have enough trouble understanding that they need to keep their minds and laws out of someone else's bedroom, let alone letting little Johnny or Sally try same-sex oral. Or multiple partners. Or anal, or mutual masturbation, or, or, or... Part of our sexual identity forms as a result of experience. Lacking that experience can lead t...


I am - hopefully like any guy - rather fond of my penis. I like having one, and I like mine in particular. It's not large. I'm average. It's not extraordinarily good-looking, though I think - and have been told -  it's aesthetically pleasing. I typically hang a couple of inches, though I can shrink a little too much under cold or intimidating circumstances. Post hernia scarring As a teenager, like virtually all guys I wanted to be bigger. Much bigger. And I was unhappy I was not like the guys who I saw in porn. (There wasn't an internet at the time, but my mother evidently had a healthy sexual appetite and always had a Playgirl or Viva stashed in her drawer. Much as my Dad had Playboy and Penthouse. Big tits and big cocks were an unfortunate fiction in my fifteen year old imagination. I'd seen the real things, of course, but they were smaller and more humble than the magazines suggested.) It was later that I realized that the guys with big cocks were...


I have a pretty open mind about sexual things. Non-judgmental, even if I wouldn't like to do it myself. As long as everyone involved is a willing - and even enthusiastic - participant, I'm all in. In my mind it's absolutely presumptuous for anyone - anyone - to tell (almost*) anyone else what they're doing is wrong. (* - The exceptions, quite strong, are towards pedophiles and non-human sex. By that I mean animals and necrophilia. I'm perfectly okay with almost any other kind of sex between consenting adults. No more, no less.**) (** - What you do with inanimate objects, like your vibrator or fleshlight, is your own business.) I've been present when people were having sex, usually as a non-participating viewer. That's called voyeurism. In college seeing friends have sex was just part of the crowd I - excuse the expression - "hung out" with. We saw each other naked, and were, at infrequent times, turned on enough (and drunk enough) to jus...