If you're not familiar with the expression, there is an entire subset of sexual photography labed as CLOTHED *** NAKED ***. The asterisks refer to one gender or the other, or people in general. As in CLOTHED MALE, NAKED FEMALE. Or CLOTHED FEMALE, NAKED MALE. In this subset the eroticism is achieved by the nudity of one of the participants, while the other is "safely" clothed. It's got dozens of variations ranging from exhibitionism to cuckolding. Professional people, athletics. You name it, there's a potential for one person (or more) to be naked while others in the scene are fully clothed. And while one end of the range definitely includes the humiliation of the nude person, the other end has its foot firmly in the assured and confident category. I'm slowly moving into this latter group. Once upon a time, many years ago, I was confident in my nudity. Being naked was just another aspect of life, and it wasn't necessarily a sexual thing. I po...