Sexually speaking this is a frustrating time for me. It's one of the fundamental reasons I started this blog, to work through sexual issues in my head and on "anonymous" paper. Only two friends, very trusted friends, have access to reading this blog. For obvious reasons. As I've noted in a couple of previous entries my libido is up as a result of testosterone injections and a newly rediscovered physical strength that is a direct result of the t-shots. I've become far more physically active and exercise on a daily basis - usually twice a day. My body is responding in ways I haven't experienced since my twenties, and I am surprised at how bad I'd actually gotten to feel. After only a few months (6) I have solid muscle tone in areas which have been complacent for decades, and quite a bit more stamina as a result. Along with that new physicality Lil Rambler is up and active several times a day, an activity level I haven't had in at least two decad...