Last column I talked about how job changes and other things have led me to a dramatic weight loss, and how that was making me feel both medically and physically. The good news is that I'm down another four pounds, but seem to have hit a wall. So not a lot more to report on that aspect of my physicality. The New Me, tan and all... On the other hand, I'm still enjoying an improved life in other ways. Lil Rambler has become visually larger, a result of the fat pad which surrounds all of our genitals becoming significantly decreased. A thinner man will have lower amounts of fat, therefore exposing more of the shaft of the penis - as you lose weight the dick itself doesn't get longer, it just seems to as the fat retreats. At present Lil has gone from being almost embarrassingly hidden, to usually hanging 3 or so inches limp. I makes a difference. Physically and psychologically. Another aspect of the decreased weight is Rambler's improved function. My erecti...