
Showing posts from August, 2019


Pure joy Some years ago I wrote a short story about a childhood friendship - fictional, not mine - in which a pubescent young boy and a pubescent young woman both skinny dipped and lay out in meadow talking about their friendship with each other. The boy, I think, was moving away and it was rocking their young worlds. They weren't in love. They were best friends and had been that way since they were small kids. And the skinny dipping had become one of the innocent pleasures of their friendship, despite the fact that adults might perceive it as problematic. In other words, sexual. Adults see worlds through a very puritan point of view in modern America. The concept that two young people couple possibly be good friends, naked and close, without it becoming sexual is beyond them. It speaks more towards their own mindset than it does the kids'. No one I know...but they have the right idea In college I had a best friend and fuck buddy, I'll call her Sally...


I may have used that headline before. Ah well. Just a short update to note that I'm about three weeks into my "modified jelqing" routine and it's doing some good things for my erection. As I commented before, I don't buy into the whole "makes your cock bigger" line of promotion, but it does seem to be letting me more erect and at my largest for a more extended period of time. In addition, my flaccid cock tends to hang a little lower and longer than before. So, at the moment, the progress is good. My orgasms seem to be a little more intense, and I don't feel the grittiness in the core of my penis any more. There are a few spots left, but on the whole the penis feels smoother and more supple when I'm soft, if that's an acceptable way to describe it. Work with me here. I'm a work in progress in other ways. My cardio doctor has reduced a major med after I began getting dizzy spells, and my stamina is wayyy up from last ...