
Showing posts from April, 2019


Over the years my weight has fluctuated quite a bit. In my college years I was fit and had a pretty good physique. In later years I have - I hate to admit - become obese and at-times very unhealthy. Around six months ago I started a new job which involves a lot of activity. On my feet for up to eight hours, sometimes up and down ladders carrying heavy boxes. Fitness is good It's a great way to start the process of getting back into shape. Recently I've started wearing a Fitbit and am averaging around 12,000 steps on work days, and around 7000 on my days off. And the cool part is that I am recognizing all of the "symptoms" of wanting to return to a more fit condition. I am feeling the urge to stretch different muscle groups (and very happy they are presenting themselves as "muscle groups"). I feel great walking my dogs, and having the strength to control them without too much effort. Look, Ma, no tanlines I am also swimming with as much re...


I'm sitting here in the dark in my home office wearing nothing more than a t-shirt, and naked from the waist down. I commented on it just recently here on the blog that it's my preferred mode of attire. It's a comfortable and open way for me to be. If society let me, there's a chance I'd never wear pants again. Unfortunately, it's not how I can always dress at home. I would love it, but it makes my wife uncomfortable. She perceives it as a sexual thing, not as a matter of comfort, and anything sexual, in her mind, is a cause for stress. I swim nude in our pool and lay out that way, which she is fine with, but sitting pantsless on the couch is not. (I always put a towel or underwear underneath me - I'm not a total beast.) Preferred style of dress On vacation I will often take time to go without pants. I simply love the feeling of being unconstricted and open. It's not a sexual thing, and I've mentioned on previous entries that I have don...


It's my favorite time of year again. Spring is springing, at least where I live. On April 6th we began heating the pool. Last Sunday the season was christened with a dip. Free and natural  I love swimming nude. Not because I'm a some-times exhibitionist, but because the sensation of swimming au naturele is sensual and wonderful. It's one of the most profoundly innocent activities, and one which dates back thousands of years. It can be shared with family, friends or done strictly on your own. It's immensely relaxing and natural. The way we were When and why humans began donning swimming costumes is up to others to research. That their function is to be both decorative and modesty-protecting is without question, but the fulfillment of that latter part is borders on the prudishly ridiculous. "Don't look, it's eeeevil!" Guilty pleasure? I love the sensation of swimming without constraint. It's one of the great pleasures i...


I've previously mentioned that my preferred attire is to be naked from the waist down. If society allowed it, that's how I'd probably be the vast majority of the time...unfortunately social mores and proper behavior mean I'm pretty much limited as to where and when it's acceptable -- even at home I rarely go completely naked waist down except when I'm alone. Which brings me to the topic of the day: dressing and undressing. Some years back I was at the gym with a friend of mine who is a psychologist. We'd known each other for years (though recently lost touch when he moved to the East Coast) and had quite a few discussions on a wide variety of things. As we were heading for the showers he stopped for a second and remarked that I was one of the few people he knew who undressed from the lower half first. Most people, men and women, dress and undress from the top down, he said. I tend to go pants off first and on last. Nothing profound or calculated, ju...