I have lamented, more than a few times, my lack of what anybody else might consider a sexual life beyond masturbation. That lack, in fact, was a motivating factor when I began this blog a few years ago. I’ve resigned myself to being in the passenger seat, and that’s okay. I’m in love with my wife and if this is a sacrifice, then I’ll pay it. Masturbation isn’t the best sex, but it will have to do. (And, under the right circumstances I've grown pretty adept at it.) On the other hand I am concerned with the lack of true, intimate, physical contact - which I truly believe is a fundamentally important experience to have in this world. Skin to skin contact, to be specific. I believe that human beings are social animals, and for our health and well-being we must have a good degree of physical contact with each other. In this modern neo-Puritanical culture we, as Americans, are recreating, this may seem kind of creepy...