No pictures this time. For what will become obvious reasons. I have been following the news regarding sexual assaults committed by various politicians, businesspeople and celebrities - including, at least according to his own admission on a recording, The President - and, like many people, am being forced to confront some dark secrets of my own. The public outrage is understandable in most circumstances. Bill Cosby. Harvey Weinstein. Recently, Kevin Spacey. The list goes on and is quite a sad one. But... These are allegations only. With the exception of Cosby few of them have been fully investigated by authorities, and so the court of public opinion has been having a field day destroying the careers and reputation of anyone with even a whiff of questionable behavior. Although additional accusations have come forward since the first claim, actor Kevin Spacey was pilloried and his career destroyed virtually overnight by - at the time - a single allegation of a single incident ...