Since January1st I am down nearly 25 pounds using the ketogenic diet, exercise and intermittent fasting. I've lost a lot of body fat and am at my healthiest - and lowest weight - in the last thirty years.

But my regular readers already know that. Let me talk a little about specific physiological changes I've noticed.

First, whether it's because the workouts are intensifying, or my physiology is simply working better, I sweat a lot more in my morning workout. It gives me the sense that I'm actually accomplishing something.

And as of early April my fat layer has receded considerably, though I have a ways to go until I'm
completely satisfied. Around 25 pounds. My arms are pretty lean at this point, and muscular. I've been working out with weights. The veins in my forearms have returned to prominence, as have those on the back of my hands. I've got to do some extra work to get my deltoids a bit more developed.

My chest is doing pretty well. Most of the fat seems to be in a thin payer versus a thick one, and I don't have the fat-man's breasts any more. I've got some texture on the pectorals and plan on continuing to work on that musculature.

My calves are lean and muscular, while my thighs have a slightly drooping level of fat on the inside, and a thicker layer of fat covering some very fit muscles otherwise  (I've always had very large thighs, whether muscular or not.)

My abs and lats are in good condition (underneath some stubborn layers of fat),and it has been an unusual experience regaining the sensations of having fit musculature in both locations. What fit people don't realize is that when muscles aren't fit, such as when someone is obese, you don't have much sensory input from them as muscles. Obviously they're still there and doing something useful, but when I was fat there was no real sensation of the muscle's flexing or movement. As I've regained fitness my abs, in particular, are muscles I can readily control and feel as they move. When I'm dancing the feeling of my abs and lats in motion is a sensation I'd long forgotten.

There's an unpleasant side-effect of having fat layers on top of fit musculature.  Just last week we started heating our pool and I went in as soon as it was comfortable to do so. What I quickly learned is that fat floats, while muscle does not, creating an odd and uncomfortable "bobble" around my waist as the fat on my back and stomach moved with the sloshing water, while the underlying muscles did not.

My ass still has some fat on it, but I'm pleased it's shaping up nicely. As with the abs and lats, my gluteal muscles have toned and I have the same control and sensual - as in senses - response to the flexing and texture of the musculature.

And as the fat retreats in general, the "fat pad" around Lil Rambler has declined as well. That alone has added a half inch or more to the overall "hanging" appearance of Lil, and just in general my dick tends to be a bit more full and a better appearance. It's a male truth that having a penis that hangs loosely and more prominently (instead of hiding underneath a lot of fat) is good for the ego and self-confidence.

It's also the tannest part of my body as supposedly the skin on the penis gets darker faster than other skin groups. Of course, as I wrote last Summer, because I hang to the right there's a tan line in which the right side of Lil Rambler is a lot paler than the left. 

Because of the various surgeries Lil also is about a half-inch offside from centerline. It's a result of the three inguinal surgeries which have left a lot of scar tissue in the area.

Getting into better physical shape has also given Lil a lot more texture when erect, and I'll suggest - with no real proof - that the physical sensations are enhanced when I masturbate.

(I'm not sure why this is, but my sex drive itself has been reduced. At a point in my physical improvement when morning wood has again become a factor, I'm not driven to "take care of it," as much as I have been in the past.)

(Keto also does a number on your bowels. Either locked up or explosive, with very little middle ground. I know, TMI.)

I still have an ongoing ache in the left testicle, and probably will for the remainder of my life. And, also because of the surgeries, it hangs only around half the distance from my abdomen as my right. The right has relaxed a lot with the reduction of the fat pad, so the distinction between the two has become more pronounced. But the overall improvement is absolutely there, so I've got no real complaints.

Onward and downward - 25 or so pounds to go. I was at a family function yesterday in which a number of people came over to compliment my weight loss. 

Again, good for the ego.


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