Sorry that it's been a while since my last post (sounds like a confessional opening), but life, as it has for almost everyone, has run away with itself. Plus I haven't really had much to talk about above and beyond rehashing older topics.I', still losing weight, though it's slower than before. And I still have no sex life. And we're in the midst of a massive pandemic which has crushed our social lives, but you knew that part already.

But in the midst of all that, I'm getting naked a lot more often. My weight loss, although nowhere near done, has given me the self-confidence to wear less and less as often as possible. 

I enjoy being naked now, as opposed to being embarrassed by it, and can easily be with other people at the time. It isn't exhibitionism as much as comfort, thought I have to admit there's a part of me that enjoys CFNM, CMNM and times when everyone is socially naked. (That latter one hasn't happened in decades, however. "sad face")

I still qualify myself as a naturist, versus a nudist. The difference in my mind is that the naturist is nakedwhen it suits (pardon the pun) the situation. The nudist prefers to be naked all of the time. At the moment, for example, I'm wearing a shirt and nothing else. While I can be totally nude when I'm alone sitting at the computer, and am comfortable doing it, at the moment a shirt seems to be the best attire.

But it's appropriate, for me, to sleep and swim naked for example. The feel of water on all parts of my body is deeply sensual and pleasant. My yard is private and I absolutely prefer being nude to wearing a baggy swimsuit that gets cold, clings and is difficult to take off. Nude I can get out of the water, lay down on a towel and dry off in the sun.  Tanning undressed is one of my greatest pleasures and immensely stress-relieving. I lay out until dry, avoiding over-exposure, and am sporting an all over tan - almost. (See right. Tanlines not visible)

Likewise I sleep in the buff. We live in a warmer climate and the feel of freedom from clothing helps me sleep better, and I'm in desperate need of a good night's sleep these days. (Literally. I'm working nights and sleep during the day. It's a difficult proposition under the best of circumstances.)

I'm also becoming perfectly fine with nudity around friends - probably much to their chagrin. I don't see people very often, but I have a couple of friends who I feel fine about being naked around. One of whom, of course, is my physical therapist. He's seen me naked more than just about anybody other than my wife, and, for me, it's a wonderfully freeing and bonding experience.

Speaking of my wife, she's begun doing things which indicate she enjoys my being naked around her. She's suggested getting in the pool many, many times. That's unusual in that she, up until last year, didn't really spend a whole lot of time in there. And for the last month whenever we're in the pool, she has come up with a number of ways to get me up out of it and walking around the deck, like turning water off and on in various parts of the yard or pool. Or coming over to talk to me while I'm sunning. Or stopping me to talk about something in the yard while I'm drying off. It's rewarding for me to know she enjoys it, even if there's nothing sexual we can do about it.

That's pretty much it. Just a higher degree of comfort with people seeing me naked, and enjoying it for myself. It's not much, but in the midst of the shitshow that's 2020, it's pretty good for me.



  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, There’s so much I can relate to :)


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