Anyone who reads this knows I enjoy being naked as much as I can, and am relatively immodest - meaning I don't have a whole lot of inhibitions - when it comes to simple nudity. My doctors raised me that way.

Unfortunately a lot of people immediately connect nudity with sex, and even worse, sex with debauchery. In my mind, these people are the perverts - as in perversion - not the people who freely accept their sensuality and sexuality. I find the more open and free people are the more attractive I find them. I think they're more honest. I don't mind modesty and appropriate dress with people who might be uncomfortable, but it's the judgmental people who find fault in more freespirited folks who are the problem. Nude does not equal sex in the eyes and perceptions of well-adjusted adults.

That noted, I, like almost everyone else, and caught up in the whole medically-isolating movement during the global COVID-19 pandemic. It's a whole topic that doesn't fit what I'm talking about here, save to mention that a lot of people are frustrated by the lack of social interaction and activity.

But something we CAN do is have some fun by challenging ourselves around the house. Push our comfort levels a bit beyond where they might currently sit.

I'm talking, of course, about being naked.

My thinking is this: If we're going to be alone we might as well do things we might not do if other people are around, right? So I've come up with some suggestions you can do alone or maybe with others you're isolated with (not talking about children, of course, unless you're okay with being naked around your kids and they're okay with it as well). Nakedness with friends can make those bonds closer and friendships deeper, giving them a new level of intimacy but not involving sex. Inevitably my best and closest friends are those who've seen me or I've seen naked. There's a trust that's built.

(Admittedly, if you're isolating with others you might need to be a bit more circumspect, but it's worth the effort. You might even get them to join in. My wife doesn't join me, but if I'm swimming and/or laying out to tan she will often come out and spend some time talking about things like the yard, or travel plans, or other simple topic. Our casually CFNM rituals seem to have become the norm, which I love.)

Draw the curtains and let's get started.

1 - My Favorite: Dancing Naked

I love dancing naked. It's really just a wonderful feeling to be completely open and free. I try to do it several times a week, and it's remarkably good exercise as well as just a lot of fun. It's simple to do, and can be done with little preparation beyond a computer or stereo, and a closable curtain so the outside world won't be watching.

I use Youtube and have a specific set of songs I enjoy, all of them very dance-worthy (like Walk the Moon's SHUT UP AND DANCE, for instance). I take off my shirt and underwear and start the music. I start slowly and just let myself loosen up. At first it'll feel strange and maybe a bit embarrassing, but remember the old adage of dancing as if nobody's watching? Well, nobody's watching.

I keep the room dark, as it helps set the mood - it helps to do this first thing in the morning. And while at first it'll feel weird to have parts your anatomy flopping about, it's amazingly freeing by around the third song. And great exercise, burning off some of that energy you're storing up during the day.

And if you're isolating with roommates or significant others, see if they might want to join you - dancing naked with friends can be exhilarating, as long as everyone knows it's non-sexual there shouldn't be a problem. (We did this in college quite a few times.) (I kinda did almost everything in college.)

2 - Reading Naked

Have a good book you're reading right now? Try reading it in your favorite chair (towel down first, please) or couch while nude. You'd be surprised by the end of the first chapter how much more deeply you're into the story and comfortable with yourself at the same time.

3 - Watching TV

If the DVR is full or there's a great movie you've wanted to watch, this is a good time. Pop some popcorn in the microwave, grab a blanket, strip off and start the movie. Just enjoy the alone time, and enjoy the freedom.

4 - Tanning

If you're lucky, as I am, to have a private yard, laying out to tan in the buff is astonishingly relaxing. Care needs to be taken to protect from sunburn, and I'd start slowly to keep those nether regions from too much. But once you stop being self-conscious it's wonderful. I take a dip in the pool first, then stay out only until I'm dry, front and back. That keeps you from overheating in addition to burning.

5 - Cooking/baking

Okay, admittedly you have to be a little more careful with this one. Obviously I discourage anything with splashing grease. But baking and making other things can be quite a bit of fun in the buff. Wear an apron if you're so inclined, but in general just be conscious of cleanliness. This activity could be fun with other people, and even get some laughs in. (Thrown food is easier to clean off skin than it is out of cotton, for instance.)

6 - Yoga/Exercise

A mat in the middle of the room is all you need for this. Well, and a routine. There are dozens of great
websites and videos available online to walk you through some basic yoga and exercise routines. Doing them nude is both freeing and allows better movement. As with some of the other items above, this can be done alone or with good friends/partners.

Any other things you can think of? What else do you like to do au naturelle while isolating around the house? Leave a note below, and otherwise look forward to a good night's sleep at the end of an exhausting day.


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