I had an interesting doctor's appointment last week. Yes, I talk a lot about my medical situation, but it's certainly centerpoint to my current life. This was, as are the most interesting appointments, with a urologist.

Recently I've gone to full-time employment and one of the benefits is pretty nice medical insurance. I thought, at the time, that my current urologist didn't take the new insurance, so I set an appointment with a new doctor who - at least online - comes highly rated.

My current doctor loves testing. He also focuses on issues *he* sees as important, and often bypasses my true concerns. Not out of hand, but he listens and tends to go other directions.

An excellent example of this is the continued pain in my lower left groin. I have a constant achiness in the general area to the left of the penis on the main torso. There's a specific point of pain along the edge of the penis where it's attached to the torso, with some rigidity in the tissue (no, not part of an erection). And lastly there's a genuine point of pain in the right testicle, likely derived from a diagnosed varicocele, which is sort of like a vericose vein in your balls. To me it feels like a rubber band around my nut, pressing uncomfortably on the upper inside part of the testicle.

All three cause me a fair amount of anxiety, though aren't truly inconvenient to my sex life since I lack one for the foreseeable future. (I've discussed this before and won't go into it right now.) But the pain is real and the source of some unhappiness on my part.

My previous urologist focused more on a set of kidney stones, and put me through a number of tests to examine them, and then three times through a procedure called lithotripsy to try to break them up. Not successfully, I might add.

So it was my hope that this new doctor might bring a different perspective, and he has. He listened and, unlike my current Uro, has a portable ultrasound machine in his office.

As I've noted before I'm no longer very modest when it comes to nudity. Mine or anyone else's for that matter. So when it came time to check out the goods I properly stood in front of the doctor and dropped my pants and shorts.

He was thorough in his exam, unlike the cursory check I usually got from my previous doc. What was a brief looksee and "turn your head a cough" routine from before, this was a careful examination, checking each testicle for varicoceles - he was startled to feel the one on the right - and specific checking of the penis to feel the point of pain where it meets the body.

The hands-on exam took probably four or five minutes, whereas with my other doc it might have been thirty seconds at the outside.

He then instructed me to lay down on the examination table, shorts still around my ankles, and he asked me to pull up my shirt to my chest so he could image my kidneys. This differed from my previous ultrasound experiences because I was literally nude from the chest through the ankles, without the silly little towel used by four of my five previous ultrasounds (yes, five).

Side Note: I've had considerable experience with doctors examining my groin. For a variety of causes, it seems to be the focus of attention for a lot of my ongoing issues. As my doctor once put it, I've hit the trifecta of complications.

Just the genital ultrasounds alone count to six: Two in-office exams by a taciturn male; and three medical lab examinations with female techncians with personalities ranging from an annoyed-by-life woman who probably wanted to be doing just about anything besides examining my balls, to a completely by-the-book woman with no perceptible sense of humor (and little regard for leaving the room as I dressed and undressed), and the third which required a supervisor to come in and redo the entire examination which left my balls front and center in a room with two younger women with very medical senses of humor.

A few years before this run of doctors and others I had two stents, tubes, put in through the penis to open up the channel, called a ureter, from the kidney to the bladder. Obviously naked on the table during the insertion, and later naked in his office during the extraction. (The second extraction took about ten minutes with tubes shoved up my dick because he couldn't seem to get a grip on the end of the stent, which protruded from the ureter into the bladder. The nurse watching winced a couple of times as I groaned in pain.)

So: hernia surgery, stents, varicoceles, three litotripsies, etc, etc, etc.

Again, a major reason I'm not really modest any more. When you lay on enough medical gurneys naked from the waist down and balls-up there's very little left for them to do to embarrass you.

So, back on topic. I'm naked from teats to ankles on the exam table for an ultrasound.
The problem child. My left nut in the mirror.
exams with female techs ranging from inscrutable, to annoyed, to two simultaneous young women with very medical senses of humor. Then consider a medical complication for a hernia operation - during which I'd been naked, but unconscious, on a table in a room full of people - which resulted in my lying exposed in the ER (private room) with doctors and nurses coming and going, including one doctor - with my permission - bringing three students in to see the problem.

The new doc was through, checking both of my kidneys and finding a new issue with the left side - the one with the recurrent stones - which we'll be addressing at some point.

He then moved the sensor down, checking out my lower abdomen and groin to see if he could image the spot of pain or any general causes for it. Unlike the testicular ultrasound my previous doctor had ordered - which specifically was looking for varicoceles - he was open to anything he might find.

He paused a few times to take a deeper look, and several times directed my attention to the screen, though I obviously didn't have the skills to see what it was he was seeing. He checked out the edge of the penis, and then down onto the testicles, checking to see both of the varicoceles. He shifted from one side of the table to the other, asking me to turn this way and that, to roll onto my side, then to the other side.

When he was done he told me to sit up as he sat back down on his stool to discuss his thoughts. Every once in a while he reached out to check my groin or testicle, as if to reconfirm his thinking. None of it was rushed, and none of it made me feel uncomfortable.  After a few minutes of talking he started to write a few notes and told me I could get dressed. Probably a good twenty minutes of hands-on and thorough examination.

So far, I'm much happier with this doc than I have become with my previous uro. I like the other guy as a person, but he spent too much time testing and sending me for tests, and too little time actually working to diagnose the issue. I certainly don't mind a bit more touchy intimacy if it's needed. Oddly enough I've had some VERY intimate testing and examinations done in the past, and never get erect even though medical scenarios seem to be a fetish of mine. The real thing doesn't do much except maybe feed my later fantasies.

Go figure.

Stay tuned for more updates in a month or so...and anything else which catches my attention.


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