It's my favorite time of year again. Spring is springing, at least where I live. On April 6th we began heating the pool. Last Sunday the season was christened with a dip.

Free and natural
 I love swimming nude. Not because I'm a some-times exhibitionist, but because the sensation of swimming au naturele is sensual and wonderful. It's one of the most profoundly innocent activities, and one which dates back thousands of years. It can be shared with family, friends or done strictly on your own. It's immensely relaxing and natural.
The way we were

When and why humans began donning swimming costumes is up to others to research. That their function is to be both decorative and modesty-protecting is without question, but the fulfillment of that latter part is borders on the prudishly ridiculous.

"Don't look, it's eeeevil!"

Guilty pleasure?
I love the sensation of swimming without constraint. It's one of the great pleasures in life, and doesn't cost much in the overall scheme of things. (Swimming costumes can be expensive, so why not save the money and go without?)

Yeah, yeah. I know. Prudes among us assign sex to anything involving nudity. Just five decades ago it was commonplace to find private pools and beaches where people traditionally swam nude (the YMCA, for instance). But a few bad actors frightened a few modest and righteous types, and the rules became more reserved. No longer could we decide for ourselves what our level of comfort was, now we had to cowtow to the most repressed among us.

It's those people who make it uncomfortable and embarrassing for millions of people whom might not otherwise care. Let's face it, if society's norm was for beaches and pools to be universally clothes-free we wouldn't bat an eye about undressing and frolicking in the water with friends.

(I'm suddenly reminded of the scene in the 1970s remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers...)

I often believe that nudists have the right general idea, but might not be approaching it the right way. Swimming nude ought to be a right, and ought not be made a fuss about.

Family friendly

In a world full of angst and blight and stress and meanness, the art of swimming naked ought to be a welcome relief. An innocent pleasure which restores our basic, natural core.

It's Springtime, and I have some swimming to do. I'm such a rebel.


  1. I've never seen nude swimming as rebellious, just as a natural activity. Being a backpacker and enjoying the outdoors, I seldom hike past a lake in the summer without stripping down and jumping in whether solo or with others. I love the freedom, the feel of being surrounded by the water with no constriction and then I get to enjoy drying off in the sun.

    1. I meant that humorously - but you're absolutely right that the experience is a sensual and pretty innocent one. Not only the swimming itself, but laying in the sun after while you dry is very relaxing and pleasant.


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