Over the years my weight has fluctuated quite a bit. In my college years I was fit and had a pretty good physique. In later years I have - I hate to admit - become obese and at-times very unhealthy.

Around six months ago I started a new job which involves a lot of activity. On my feet for up to eight hours, sometimes up and down ladders carrying heavy boxes.

Fitness is good
It's a great way to start the process of getting back into shape. Recently I've started wearing a Fitbit and am averaging around 12,000 steps on work days, and around 7000 on my days off.

And the cool part is that I am recognizing all of the "symptoms" of wanting to return to a more fit condition. I am feeling the urge to stretch different muscle groups (and very happy they are presenting themselves as "muscle groups"). I feel great walking my dogs, and having the strength to control them without too much effort.

Look, Ma, no tanlines
I am also swimming with as much regularity as I can muster. And since it's my own yard I do so without a suit, and it's a fantastic feeling to swim nude. It serves to reinforce my efforts to return to a more fit condition. (It also has the added benefit of tanning, which - to me - makes a person look healthier. And since I'm naked, there are no tanlines.) (I also lay out to dry, which contributes to the tanning. I have to admit, seeing Lil Rambler and the Boys with a tan every Summer is kinda cool.) (Odd effect is that I hang to the right when I'm on my back, tanning the left side of my cock while the right side is definitely lighter.)

Physically there are several goals above and beyond weight loss, at least as driving motivations. Obviously feeling better is a large part of my ambition. It adds to my self-confidence when I'm thinner.

Another aspect is Lil Rambler. Fat people develop fat everywhere, and that includes around the base of the penis. It's referred to as a "fat pad" and it surrounds your dick. By being fat, I'm literally suffocating my penis, making it look smaller than it actually is. (I'm normally a little above average size, but with the fat I'm effectively undersized when it comes to length, both erect and limp.) I want Lil Rambler to measure up, if you will.

And fatness also impacts my sexual health. I'm hoping that a return to fitness gives me stronger erections to go along with an already-strong sex drive. Several weight-related meds I'm on, um, "reduce" Lil Rambler's enthusiasm, no matter how ramped up *I* may be. To use the old rephrasing of a common meme: "A Hard Man is Good to Find."

I have a long way to go,  and am still sporting quite a gut. In the last two years - primarily due to excessive drinking and minimal activity, I've gained roughly 25 pounds. That puts me back too close to where I was at my highest weight and worst fitness just six years ago. I spent a lot of effort getting down nearly fifty pounds then and am regretful I've let myself go halfway back up.

So that's changing. I want to look good naked again. That's my goal. I know I won't be back to my old college fitness, ever. That's thirty years in the past and a completely different physiology. But I can look good and feel better about myself. One thing leads to the other.

I've recently started on a much more Mediterranean-style diet. I'm walking. Spending hours at work on my feet and doing things. I'm swimming. I'm drinking less. I'm focused on fitness rather than simple weight loss, under the assumption that the weight will drop off given the healthier lifestyle. Being "on a diet" doesn't work as well as actual lifestyle changes. I'm even masturbating less frequently (which is difficult given my currently sex-less lifestyle - see previous entries for the details). My hope is that less frequent ejaculations will increase my desire for alternative physical activity of some kind.

I have a long way to go, but you have to start somewhere.

The right fit(ness)

(Addendum - This morning I took my dogs for a long walk. Got home and stripped to just a t-shirt and shoes - my preferred around-the-house attire - then got them their breakfast and my own as well. I'm having vanilla yogurt with granola and berries. Baby steps.)


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