I am - hopefully like any guy - rather fond of my penis. I like having one, and I like mine in particular.

It's not large. I'm average. It's not extraordinarily good-looking, though I think - and have been told -  it's aesthetically pleasing. I typically hang a couple of inches, though I can shrink a little too much under cold or intimidating circumstances.

Post hernia scarring
As a teenager, like virtually all guys I wanted to be bigger. Much bigger. And I was unhappy I was not like the guys who I saw in porn. (There wasn't an internet at the time, but my mother evidently had a healthy sexual appetite and always had a Playgirl or Viva stashed in her drawer. Much as my Dad had Playboy and Penthouse. Big tits and big cocks were an unfortunate fiction in my fifteen year old imagination. I'd seen the real things, of course, but they were smaller and more humble than the magazines suggested.)

It was later that I realized that the guys with big cocks weren't necessarily the best lovers. One guy, a strapping big man with an equally impressive appendage, was the subject of one friend's frustration. At one point she suggested privately to me, after a couple of drinks, that maybe he ought to take classes from me - she and I had had sex a few times, but never developed anything more than friendship. Apparently he was more of a slam/bam/thank you ma'am lover with little interest beyond fucking and blowing his wad in porn-esque fashion.

First time posing for my girlfriend, the Artiste
(He and I went to a few porn films together. Never had sex, though I saw him naked a number of times and vice-versa. We were drinking buddies more than anything else.)

The trials and tribulations of the last thirty years have taken their toll, both physically and aesthetically. My cock is off center. Scar tissue and repeated operations have produced (I'm guessing) enough extra material that my dick has shifted to the right. My balls, courtesy my regimen of testosterone shots, are about half of their previous size. And because of a specific surgery a decade or so ago, they don't hang as low as they used to.

My erections - once strong enough one girlfriend specifically didn't like oral because my cock pressed too hard on the roof of her mouth and made it unwieldy in certain positions - range from fully erect but pointing outward not upward, to limp and fleshy if I'm aroused by not thrilled. Yeah, I have meds and supplements which help out in that regard. I have Cialis on those rare occasions when I want to be fully aroused, and I take maca root and celery seed extract for the day to day "I'm still male" support and sensations.
Donald Ducking on vacation

When I'm limp I tend to be somewhere between my old self - around two to two and a half inches long, and reasonably proportioned - while there are times when my friend is shrunken to pubescent levels. Erect I am, at my best, around six and a half inches. And no, not measured from two inches up my ass like most guys like to claim.

But I am fond of it in any condition.  It's a constant in a world of change and it helps me ground and define myself. I know, it sounds weird and it probably is.

I've seen penises on other guys. Friends, strangers in the gym. Those horsehung monsters of porn. I'm not huge, but have to admit I think my cock is a good one. A lot of guys might doubt themselves and allow a smaller than monstrous dick to be - if you'll excuse the expression - some sort of shortcoming on their part.

I don't. Despite its current lack of use sexually it's a good penis and has always represented me well with sexual partners. It's not the size that counts, though some women (and some men) are more aroused by larger cocks. But it's served me and my exploits well.

I simply like my cock.

A few years ago when I first discovered gray pubic hairs - Yikes!


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